The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 73
Why Is Getting US Off Gasoline So Important to The
Auto Channel?
Originally published November 10, 2010
Engine fuel and energy technology don't just power automobiles, it powers our
entire economy. No, I take that back, it powers the world’s economy.
The automobile industry is the world's largest and most important industry. If
we, the people in all democratic countries, can find a new and better way to fuel
vehicles; something that saves money and keeps the money in the domestic
“purses” of each country, then it gives everyone in that country a boost. If we
can find alternatives that don’t damage the environment then we’re all healthier
and happier. And if we can find alternatives that can’t be used as strategic
weapons by one country against another then we have a freer global society.
And if we can do all of this then people buy more cars and trucks, which increases job opportunities, corporate revenues, taxes, and enjoyment of life.
The bottom line is that we support all alternative fuels; particularly those that we
can produce here in America from American raw materials. We love CNG, we
love propane, and we love algae-based bio-fuels. But we especially love ethanol because it can be produced from so many different types of abundant raw
materials right now, today, and the use of ethanol doesn’t have to require any
engine conversion. Depending upon your vehicle you can put a rather high percentage of ethanol in your fuel tank right now. And the only effect you will experience is that you will save money – up to $1.00 or more on every gallon of
ethanol you use. You don’t even need government approval or EPA sanctioning
to do it. You just drive up to an ethanol pump and fill ‘er up (please see Save