The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 637
Fortunately, ethanol is at least as economical as gasoline and it doesn’t cause
the mechanical problems alleged by the oil industry and its shills, so there’s no
reason to not make it our primary engine fuel. When and if electric passenger
vehicles are finally ready to play their part as a viable alternative to internal
combustion powered vehicles we (or our grandchildren) should welcome them.
But until then we must be free from the yoke of foreign fossil fuels, which means
all fossil fuels.
The lies disseminated by the oil industry with the help of Robert Bryce, David
Pimentel, Tad Patzek, Jerry Taylor, Tim Searchinger, David Fridley, Richard
Rahn, Mark Mills, and others like them are tantamount to slave chains. America
must break free from those bonds for our economic health and social wellbeing.
This is also true for all other nations; not because it’s “the American thing to do,”
but because they need their own economic security. Ethanol can be made anywhere by anybody from a very wide variety of raw materials. It is the freedom
Let freedom ring throughout America, again.