The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 577
A month later we found a company that had an Internet streaming video solution, three months later we became the first website in the world to deploy
streaming video, and less than one year after that we were streaming live video
and broadcasting the first live motor sports event on the Internet. Today the
Internet has HD video, 3-D HD video, and there are also some examples of 4k
super HD.
In GUSHER OF LIES, Robert Bryce never anticipated technological improvement in the production of alternative non-oil-based fuels – except to expressly
discount its possibility. He locked himself into a by-gone era as if he was Amish.
He repeats and presents data that was based on information that was out-ofdate probably from the day it was created. To make matters worse, some of the
information was never correct even when it was created, and the passage of
time didn’t magically make it accurate.
I presume some readers will take me to task for these comments by saying that
I purposely chose an easy target to go after, a book originally written five long
years ago. But remember, I didn’t choose the book to read, Robert Bryce did. If
he had something more up-to-date or pertinent I think he would have suggested
the more current item. Let me add that immediately before sending my email to
him, I read an article he wrote just a few months ago for The Daily Beast on “the
myth of energy independence.” The article contained no new information compared to the book, as far as I’ve been able to tell.
Before I delve into what Bryce labels as ethanol lies, let me add that I think he
greatly tipped his hand to being just another shill for the oil industry by not including dedicated non-fossil fuel proponents when he did his research for
GUSHER OF LIES. The people he thanks in the acknowledgment section of
the book seem to all be homers for Big Oil. I sent a follow-up email to Bryce
asking if he had spoken with any specific ethanol proponents. So far, he hasn’t
The five primary lies told about ethanol relate to:
1. Energy content and MPG of gasoline vs. ethanol
2. Ethanol causes engine damage
3. Corn ethanol deprives starving people of food & causes food prices to increase