The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 571
“The point is clear: Oil related terror attacks will continue…But even if the
U.S. were somehow free of imported oil, American consumers would still
be buying oil at the global price and would therefore not be immune from
the price spikes caused by…(terrorist) attacks.”
“Why? Well, because the price of oil is set globally, American oil traders
are not going to sell their domestically produced crude in the U.S. if they
can get a substantially higher price (elsewhere)…Thus the U.S. cannot
isolate itself from the rest of the global oil market.”
In other words, Bryce is telling us to just lie back and continue to accept the
screwing we’ve been getting, because the screwing will continue. Tell the
women in your life to learn to love the fashion style of the burka, because they
may be wearing one someday.
While I still have much to say about GUSHER OF LIES, we have now come to
the crux of the matter, or what my people call “tuchas afen tish” – which translates to the bottom line.
What most people don’t understand, and what the oil lobby desperately doesn’t
want you to know, is that regardless of how much more drilling for oil is done in
America, regardless of how much fracking goes on, regardless of how many
pipelines are built from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, America will never be free
from dependence on foreign oil. Control of our primary engine fuel, the fuel that
has been dictating our buying and driving decisions, is in the control of foreign
regimes. For as long as it continues we will never have gasoline prices that are
truly cheap; the best we will ever be able to say is, “Well, it’s not so bad, remember last year when it was over $___ a gallon.”
By Robert Bryce’s own words, and based upon….what, - a fabulous trip he took
to Dubai and his intentional ignorance of fossil fuel alternatives - we will never
be free from oil-sponsored terrorism. We will never have energy independence,
I agree with Bryce that we will never, ever have energy independence; our military will never abandon the Middle East… for as long as we use gasoline as
our primary engine fuel. The solution, therefore, is to change the paradigm. The
solution is to make a non-fossil fuel our primary fuel, and that fuel is ethanol.