The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 491
Three Degrees Still Can't Make Ethanol Slam Stick
A Response To Peter Z. Grossman and the Washington Examiner
Originally published December 8, 2017
A new op/ed article disparaging ethanol appeared today in the Washington Examiner. This one, titled "The Washington Swamp Is Filled With Ethanol," was
written by Peter Z. Grossman. Peter is the Efroymson Professor of Economics
at Butler University (Indianapolis) and is the author of U.S. Energy Policy and
the Pursuit of Failure (2013). He holds three university degrees: Washington
University (Economics) Ph.D. 1992; Washington University (Economics) M.A.
1990; and Columbia University (Philosophy) B.A. 1970.
In referring to the RFS, Mr. Grossman writes that it's "better known as the ethanol mandate." The funny thing is that the only people who refer to the Renewable Fuel Standard as "the ethanol mandate" are those people who want to
mock the RFS; to paint it as just an insignificant act designed to benefit a few
blue-collar farmers sprinkled around the middle of the country. It's sort of like