The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 47
groups would do to ensure the uninterrupted addiction and use of their drugs.
Think MAFIA, but on a really, really big scale.
At this point let me not mince words or hide behind metaphors. We are being
manipulated by external and internal entities to use gasoline. Our politicians are
bought off to ensure that the addiction never ends. Trusted media personalities
on all sides of the political spectrum are likewise bought off (in one manner or
another) to spread lies and confuse their audience as to the benefits and necessity of our gasoline addiction – not just the addiction to foreign-oil gasoline,
but to all gasoline. Regardless of where the petroleum oil originates, or where
the gasoline is refined, because the industry is unified in global pricing and supply, every gallon of gasoline we buy props up the wealth and power of our enemies. We must figuratively disembowel and behead them by eliminating
their drug. As Korin and Luft advise, we must turn "oil into salt" and strip away
oil's strategic importance.
We do not need gasoline to power our vehicles. We do not need petroleum oil
diesel to power our trucks and heavy machinery. There are alternatives that are
available right now that are, and can be, domestically produced. What's more,
you can make your own engine fuel right in your own backyard.
When we at The Auto Channel began our investigation into alternative fuels
several years ago, among the issues we had to consider was why and how did
we get ourselves into this state of gasoline addiction. Why would auto manufacturers not want diverse sources of fuel to power their vehicles? Didn't they
want to encourage personal mobility? What do they stand to gain from poor fuel
economy? How did America, or rather American companies lose their position
as the dominant force in the oil industry and become the puppets of a small
group of nomadic highwaymen who claim to rule under the preposterous notion
of divine right?
There is not now, nor was there ever a good technical reason
for gasoline to be the world's primary engine fuel of choice. It
was not because of greater availability - in fact, the fear that
the world's supply of petroleum oil would end has been a serious concern since the late 1800s as early oil fields in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Oklahoma began petering out (it's only in
recent years that we've come to learn that the world is not in
danger of running out of petroleum-based sources to make
Oklahoma oil well