The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 463
Unmasking The Gas Roots of Contemporary Ethanol
Opposition - Round 1
Breaking the ring of Big Oil sponsored deception
Originally published April 17, 2017
Two weeks ago, I wrote and published a story on called
UNCOVERING THE GAS ROOTS OF CONTEMPORARY ETHANOL OPPOSITION. That story dealt with HOW the petroleum oil industry has worked to
distort the truth about ethanol. This story unmasks a specific individual WHO
has a history of working to hide the truth from the public about significant health
and safety issues while using his professional and academic credentials as a
front for his phony analysis of ethanol.
I just finished reading a new anti-ethanol commentary "How The Ethanol Mandate Is Killing The American Prairie," written by William F. Shughart II, a professor at Utah State University and a Senior Fellow at a think tank called Independent Institute. Professor Shughart is a former economist at the Federal
Trade Commission and he has taught at George Mason University, Clemson
University, University of Mississippi, and the University of Arizona.
The article was brought to my attention by Mark Perry, an economist and professor of economics and finance in the School of Management at University of