The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 430
Dr. Daniel De La
Torre Ugarte
Dr. Ugarte's report pretty much follows the oil industry's
standard playbook on inventing or over-exaggerating information to pretend that their own sh.., uh, stuff, doesn't stink.
They wave their checkbooks and college professors or
think-tank stooges magically appear. Sometimes the professors have degrees in a field related to energy and fuels,
sometimes they don't. Sometimes the think-tank guys or
gals have some knowledge of the industry, sometimes they
To be honest with you, very often as I begin to engage an
oil industry shill I am amazed at the high level of credentials that he or she
sports. I mean, it's David versus Goliath all over again. Lucky for me, inside my
ammo bag is a very smart business partner, lots of incredible fuel/energy people
to consult, and a ton of honest-to-goodness facts.
So what always winds up happening is that the oil industry's Goliath gets left
lying on the ground with a great big wound in the middle of its forehead and
their college degrees scattering in the wind. It's a clear case of "the bigger they
are, the harder they crash and burn." The reason they crash and burn, regardless of their credentials, is that they are simply repeating the lies and exaggerations created by the oil industry. Am I overstating the results? I think my rebuttals to the oil industry shills speak for themselves.
But let me not dwell on the past, because there's a great battle to engage in
today, with some new meat.
As it turns out, ACCF and its new boy, George 'David' Banks, was the subject
of a reply I published this past March in response to a hit piece written by 'David'
(my reply is published in this book just prior to this chapter). Consequently, I
already had some knowledge of the American Council For Capital Formation. I
was not aware of Dr. Ugarte - he's the new meat.
You'll read that I refer to Professors David Pimentel and Tad Patzek, and their
attempts to fatally kill ethanol. You'll notice that I refer to these attempts as having been unsuccessful in the long term. I document their figurative demise in
the 60+ page report I published three years ago. You don't have to read the
entire report, unless you really want to, you can go straight to the relevant chapter by CLICKING HERE. Just scroll down to the section on EROEI.