The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 394
you received the information that fewer manufacturers are warranting ethanolgasoline blends, but you should steer away from that source. Oh, and gasoline
requires more energy to produce than ethanol, so your source is wrong on this
point as well.
You paint your entire erroneous article as if there is something wrong with
Trump trying to win the support of Iowans by appealing to an issue that is dear
to them. So, what's the problem; that's what politics are about. The reason that
politicians stump in any area is to appeal to voters regarding issues that are
dear to them. Trump isn't doing anything that every other Republican and Democrat politician hasn't done, and that definitely includes whatever loser the National Review is supporting.
Lastly, I resent your and the National Review's allusion that you speak for Conservatives or Republicans or American patriots. I am a Conservative Republican, a true free-market, balls-to-the-wall capitalist, entrepreneur, and American
patriot. You don't know the first thing about business, and you certainly don't
know anything about ethanol. We've had to endure 8 years of Barack Obama
and 8 years of Bill Clinton because of people like you. The National Review is
not doing America any favors. You should suggest to the publishers of National
Review to change the name to National Lampoon.
Have a nice day.