The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 278
Because it's never fair to pit a heavyweight against a lightweight, figuratively as
well as literally. We didn't want the guy to be completely obliterated.
So, for your amazement, amusement, and edification of our regular visitors to, I thought I would resurrect ETHANOL CHRONICLES for
a brief time to present "David's" comments, along with my replies to him.
March 15, 2017
I read the article that you referenced. However, the writer of that article (you) is
the stupid one.
You want to switch our fuel from gasoline with 10% alcohol to E85. The flex fuel
vehicles on the road today cannot run E85 without a computer retune and supporting modifications. Non-flex fuel (most of the cars) cannot run E85 without
extensive (and expensive) modifications. So who pays for this?
What about the fleet of diesel trucks that transport nearly everything we use?
They can't run E85. Ask any small engine mechanic and they will tell you alcohol-based fuel is bad news for your lawn mower.
You are wrong about the "facilities in place." Alcohol is NOT sent through the
pipeline (causes corrosion), it's blended with gasoline at the time it is loaded on
the tankers.
To make the switch as he suggests' would require massive amounts of land to
be taken out of food production to provide his "dream fuel." Suppose the midwest, our grain producing area, were to be hit with a 1930's type drought (the
climate change lunies are predicting all sorts of calamities like this), transportation comes to a halt.
Since you referenced this article, did you also notice that the comments section
on that article were CLOSED TO COMMENTS. Any wonder?