The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 234
August 26, 2015
Posted by DENNIS:
There's no ethanol-free gasoline in Houston. I have to ride 50 miles to the coast
to find it. It is a ridiculous law perpetuated by graft from large agriculture lobbyists. Given the current level of corruption, I am afraid it will be here for a while.
Reply from MARC:
How about the political graft and corruption from the oil industry that forced us
to use only poison gasoline for 8 decades.
Follow on from DENNIS:
Are you talking about leaded gasoline?
Reply from MARC:
Leaded gasoline and then gasoline with MTBE.
Follow on from DENNIS:
They were both used until the unintended consequences caused them to be
banned in this country. Still widely used in Asia. Next.
Reply from MARC:
Hey Dennis, thanks for the continued exchange.