The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 22
Ethanol Chronicles - An Almost Daily Blog - July through December, 2015 .................................
Ethanol Chronicles - SPECIAL EDITION: David Are You There? .................................................
Gasoline vs. Ethanol - Ten Pictures That Tell The Story ..............................................................
MUGS, PUGS, THUGS…CON MEN AND OIL MEN ..................................................................
The Auto Channel Fights for the Truth about Ethanol Versus Gasoline ........................................
Thank Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Prager and Savage for Rising Gasoline Prices.........................
An Open Letter to Tim Searchinger and all the other Gasoline Whores........................................
Big Oil's Anti-E15 Campaign Filled with Gross Exaggerations and Misinformation .......................
Biofuels Are Worth Every Effort and Cost.....................................................................................
AAA Blunder on Ethanol Sets Off Firestorm of Criticism ..............................................................
Oil Industry Stages Another Sham Anti-Ethanol Press Conference ..............................................
Why Does AAA and Big Oil Feel They Must Lie to America? .......................................................
Ethanol Honesty Is The Best Energy Policy .................................................................................
Why Is Jay Leno Misrepresenting Ethanol? .................................................................................
Lauren Fix Takes Ethanol Opposition To A New Level Of Stupidity .............................................
Open Letter To Mark Levin About Ethanol, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz .....................................
Open Letter to Jillian Kay Melchor and the National Review About the Iowa Primary...................
Open Letter to Barry Ritholtz and Bloomberg About Ethanol ........................................................
Meet The New 'Tool' In Big Oil's Efforts to Scuttle Ethanol ...........................................................
Are Ethanol Opponents Sniffing Glue? .........................................................................................
Biofuel Blunder? Renewable Fuel Mandate Is Having A Negative Effect on Home Runs .............
The Case Against Ethanol Opponents: They Are Simply Incorrect…………………………………..
It's Time To Rethink The Value Of PhD........................................................................................
Uncovering The Gas Roots of Contemporary Ethanol Opposition ................................................
Unmasking The Gas Roots of Contemporary Ethanol Opposition - Round 1 ................................
Unmasking The Gas Roots of Contemporary Ethanol Opposition - Round 2 ................................
SHOCKING NEWS: Existence of Parallel Universes Explain Support of Petroleum Oil ...............
Three Degrees Still Can't Make Ethanol Slam Stick .....................................................................
Fox News' Revolting Take on Ethanol ..........................................................................................
The Immorality of Arguing That There's a Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.........................................
American Petroleum Institute Goes Bonkers ................................................................................
Big Oil Uses New Dopes To Spread Their Old Dope....................................................................
Ethanol Criticism Polluted By Oiliness..........................................................................................