The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 133
Furthermore, ethanol (alcohol) production does not require the use of corn or
any other plant that we use for food, so any concerns about ethanol production
affecting feed and food prices are just ignorant or trumped-up excuses. In addition, most modern passenger cars can use E85 (without being officially designated as flex-fuel vehicles), and virtually all vehicle gasoline engines can be
inexpensively converted to use 100% alcohol (ethanol), so we needn’t ever
have a situation where we squander raw resources on vast never-to-be-used
supplies of ethanol (as fearfully projected in Shepardson’s story).
Incidentally, using alcohol (ethanol) actually causes LESS wear and tear on an
engine and its parts.
Calls for additional testing and more research, in lieu of just turning the ethanol
spigot open to immediate consumer availability, are nothing more than gasoline-lobby sponsored tactics designed to impede the general implementation of
any non-gasoline fuel that would reduce their bloated profits.