The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 131
Detroit News Story Goes Overboard in
Slamming Ethanol
Is this canard the latest effort by the gasoline lobby to derail alternative
fuel initiatives?
Originally published September 30, 2009
On Monday, September 28, 2009, David Shepardson of the Detroit News'
Washington Bureau published a story titled "Carmakers Fight Hike In Ethanol
At Pump,” which is as irresponsible a piece of journalism as you’d ever
find. (CLICK HERE to read the text from the original article)
The story’s sub-headline and first paragraph insinuate that ethanol is too costly
and that its use can damage engines. Unfortunately, this scurrilous report is
already on its way to creating significant urban legend-style damage of its own
in helping to hinder efforts to free America from gasoline tyranny by presenting
a hodge-podge of erroneous factoids along with disjointed unrelated issues and
For example, Shepardson has taken comments made by Mike Stanton, CEO
of the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, and made it seem
as if Stanton and the association he represents are against the use of ethanol.
On the contrary, in a phone conversation on Tuesday with Mr. Stanton, The