200YEARS-010724 - Flipbook - Page 92
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(1892 - 1962)
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44 X 44 cm
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Ever since his time in his homeland of Italy, Corrado Feroci,
later known as Professor Silpa Bhirasri, was renowned for
his expertise in creating artistic works. These included
sculptures, carvings, paintings, and art designs, as well as
his comprehensive knowledge of art history, art theory, and
aesthetics. After graduating from Accademia di Belle Arti
di Firenze, the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, he was
appointed a professor at the same institution. Professor
Bhirasri won first prize in a contest for the design of Siamese
currency held in Europe. This award led the Italian government
to recommend him for service in Siam at the age of 32.
Thus, it is evident that Professor Bhirasri was highly
skilled in medal and coin design, even before arriving
in Thailand, where he continued to create numerous
medal designs. The exhibited works are sculptural models 2"N2" 022!#22#"N0>/' ?#00#?
created by Professor Silpa Bhirasri for medal designs spanning The portrait photograph of
two royal reigns. One piece is the model for a medal Professor Silpa Bhirasri
commemorating His Majesty King Ananda Mahidol (King
Rama VIII), featuring the King9s royal emblem encircled
by his royal name. It is speculated to be one of the initial
sculptural models that led to the development of the
final design for the