200YEARS-010724 - Flipbook - Page 104
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(1892 - 1962)
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Pen on paper
58.3 X 76 cm
Pen on paper
76 X 58.3 cm
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The photograph of Professor Silpa Bhirasri giving a lecture at Wat Traphang Thonglang in Sukhothai on 2 April, 1960.
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Photo courtesy: The Fine Arts Department, 1964, The seminar lecture of Sukhothai archeology in 1960
in the occation of opening ceremony of The Langanheng National Museum by King Bhumibol Adulyadej (King Rama IX),
Sukhothai Province, Bangkok: Sivaporn Limited Partnership.
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The School of Fine Arts, under the Fine Arts Department, was elevated to Silpakorn
University through the initiative of Professor Silpa Bhirasri. Although the school
was founded to provide advanced instruction in Western art principles, Professor
Bhirasri also valued and prioritized the study and preservation of traditional Thai
art. He developed a curriculum that included subjects related to Thai art within
the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture, teaching some courses himself and inviting
other experts to instruct. Additionally, he authored books, textbooks, and articles
about Thai art for student use and public dissemination. He supported conservation
projects, such as copying murals in various religious sites, to ensure the knowledge
was passed on to future generations. His art theory and composition teachings
emphasized developing skills in both Western and traditional Thai art. Professor
Bhirasri9s approach to teaching traditional Thai arts transcended classrooms and
art laboratories. He placed significant importance on field-based learning. In
courses like