2024 Achievers Journal Digital - Flipbook - Page 92
Son of
Dear Aidan,
You are a true gift from God.
Born on my birthday…
the best gift ever a mom could want.
You are my SONshine and I am blessed and honored
that you chose me to be your “mama bear.” I stand as
a proud mother to call you my son. Congratulations
on all your accomplishments that you have achieved
thus far… keep going!! Continue to challenge
yourself and 昀氀ourish as you go!
Love You Always,
Aidan is a senior at Los Angeles Center of
clubs and camps ranging from BSU, Minority
Enriched Studies Magnet School. He receives
Empowerment, VIPS, to the Zine club. This
high honors in his academic achievements
shows his range of love and appreciation of art,
by being awarded a member of the Honor
life and empowerment. Aidan gives back to his
Society. Aidan has been classi昀椀ed as “Gifted community by volunteering and mentoring
and Talented” from his love of art. Aidan
during summer youth programs. Aidan will be
attended Saturday classes at The Conservatory
attending University of San Diego, majoring in
of Fine Arts at CSULA. He participates in
Fashion Design and Merchandising.