2024 Achievers Journal Digital - Flipbook - Page 78
Son of
Mr. & Mrs. sladin &
chelsea patterson
Congratulations on being honored as an Achiever at the 2024 Angel City Links
43rd Affair of Honor. It’s hard to believe that the little boy who was obsessed
with airplanes and marine animals has grown into the young man we see today.
But then again, it’s not hard to believe. Because the young man before us today
is the same adventurous, passionate, empathetic and brilliant person that has
always brought joy to those around him. He’s just a lot taller.
Your determination and drive have led to many moments of victory as well as
sustained you through moments of struggle. In every situation, you’ve proven
yourself to be a person of integrity. For that, we are most proud!
Your successful completion of the Achiever Program is another steppingstone
along your path to becoming the man God has created you to be.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
Mom & Dad
Joshua Khalil Patterson is the son of
and played Varsity Football his senior year.
Saladin and Chelsea Patterson. He’s a Joshua is an active member of Jack and
Senior Honor Student at Windward High Jill, Los Angeles chapter, having served as
School in Los Angeles, California. Joshua
Chaplain, Corresponding Secretary, and
served in various leadership roles such as committee chair. He is a member of Oasis
Secretary for the Black Student Union and church where he was baptized. Joshua holds
as a delegate for the Student Leadership a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Joshua will
Diversity Conference. Joshua has played
attend Oberlin College in Fall 2024 where
Varsity Baseball since his Freshman year
he will continue his baseball career.