Double Safe Fittings & Catch PotsIntroductionThe importance of the fittings and terminations toIn our view of equal emphasisa flexible dual contained hose installation cannotis selecting the right clip orbe overstated. It is why we have an ongoingclamp to go with the fitting.programme of development of our Double SafeThe probability of achievingfittings range designed specifically to match thethe desired seal which will holdexpanding carrier and outer hose options.and not cause damage to the hoseis greatly increased if the hose, the tail and theA key part of this development is based on theclip are looked at as part of one matched we receive from contractors on the realThis extends to using the correct tool for the cliplife installation requirements and issues that youconcerned such as Oetikers stepless ear clip pincersencounter. If there is a problem that needs to beand we have the force calibratedovercome we will work with you to get it resolvedversion available for hire.Reliable Connectionswhether that is from our current system or requiresa bespoke fitting or material to be considered.Stepped Hose TailsOur most popularAlongside our standard range of sizes we alsooption is ouroffer custom versions to suit different outer/inner“stepped” dualcombinations in a choice of materials includingcontained hose tail.PP or PVDF.This has a tail designed to suitthe carrier and also optionally the largerFor example on a recent project a custom spigotstep allows the sealing of the outer on the samehose tail was used to connect to a metric valvefitting when this configuration is required.inside the dosing pump rig and a male threadedAs standard this is fabricated in PVC and can beBSP stepped hose tail enabled the carrier andsupplied as a female socket, male spigot, femaleouter to be safely connected to theBSPP or male BSPT.dosing lance.Process Engineering Supplies9
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