Double Safe DualContainment SystemsIntroductionDouble Safe brings a new approach for dualOnce the alarmcontainment hose design to the market andhas been triggeredoffers several advantages over alternative products.the use of a catch pot orThe system is used where additional protectionother drain off point allows for the necessaryis required to help to ensure that risk ofpreventative and remedial works to be undertakencontamination to the environment is a safe manner. The system can then be switchedCommon applications for the product are, forto the back up line or brought back into action asexample, chemical dosing, chemical transfersoon as possible.and water treatment, tanker fill points, food andindustrial processes.Double Safe is a flexible dual containmentsystem that is easily installed, as it can be pulledThe system has been widely accepted in thestraight from the drum through ducting in onemarket place and is ready assembled for thosecontinuous length. It has a proven track recordwho need to control their on-site time and wantin many installations and with a range of customan off the shelf offering. The standard outer, isfittings, catch pots and POA box’s alongside ourmade from an FDA approved PVC with a rangeextensive experience in working with key pump,of inner tubes to suit your requirements.valve, trace heating and insulation partners a truesystem solution can be implemented.A key advantage of the system is it offers a widechoice of materials for the inner dosing hosesIt is a cost effective system, offering the waterand the outer containment ensuring that chemicaltreatment and fluid handling industry the benefitscompatibility and other requirements are met.of a ready-made dual containment solutionOur containment outers all have a visible “air gap”at a lower overall cost than manyany escaped liquid can be seen and flow ontocompeting products.the alarmed area. (see pages 5-7 for details)4RangeDescriptionCarrier - RPVC or Carrier - LDPEContainment - PVCTFDSDouble Safe - 6.3/196.3 x 11.5 mm6.3 x 12mm19 x 25 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 10/2510 x 16 mm10 x 16 mm25 x 31 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 12.5/2512.5 x 18.5 mm12.5 x 19 mm25 x 31 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 19/3819 x 26 mm19 x 26 mm38 x 47 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 25/4525 x 33 mm25 x 33 mm45 x 54 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 32/5032 x 42 mm32 x 42 mm50 x 59 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 38/6038 x 48 mm38 x 48 mm60 x 72 mmTFDSDouble Safe - 50/7550 x 62 mm50 x 62 mm75 x 86 mmProcess Engineering Supplies
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