Chemical Compatibility GuidePlease find shown in the tables on the followingIn order to give guidance, the compatability ofpages a guide to the resistance ratings of the mostsome products has been predicted from itspopular materials used in the manufacture of ourresistance to other chemicals which have a similarproducts. These are shown for chemicals commonlycomposition. Such predictions are shown using anused in dosing applications. The symbols used toasterisk (*) with the symbols listed above.denote anticipated performance are:-GGood ResistanceFFair ResistanceLLimited ResistancePPoor ResistanceIn addition to the potential chemical compatibilityof a carrier or outer containment there are severalother factors that should be considered whenevaluating the suitability and longevity of a productfor example:-• Pressures and temperatures - what are the test and maximum/minimum temperatures andworking pressures that can be expected taking into account the desired safety factors.• Solutions and concentrations - what is the actual concentration at the point of transport beingconsidered and for example are the chemicals newly formulated, pre mixed or further diluted andwhat is the likely time in contact with the media?• Gases or volatile solutions - gases or gases in solutions can present a number of risks, even wherethe carrier may be unaffected, there may be issues with levels of permeability & potential risks of fire,explosion or to Health & Safety.• Abrasive media - lime and other salts may often have levels of particulates carried in solution byanother fluid, these can cause wear and/or blockages with bends or Tee points in a line most vulnerable.• Glue and jointing - limitations with solvent or connection/termination methods may limitoperating pressures and life expectancy or indeed rule out what would otherwise be an acceptableoption from a chemical point of view.• Other - factors such as the potential UV exposure, frost and risk of damage from an aggressive externalenvironment are just some of the other elements that can have a significant impact on performance.Please contact our technical sales team for a copy of our dual containment project enquiry sheet.This will enable us to review your requirements against product data sheets and obtain any clarificationor confirmation from the manufacturer on the suitability of a product for your application.Process Engineering Supplies27
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