Plastic Piping SystemsSingle wall plastic piping systems are a tried andInstallation is commonly solvent cement basedtested solution to many industrial and water utilitywith other systems using the fusion approach.requirements with a wide choice of materials andmanufactures there is a product to suit mostThey offer a lightweight easy to install traditional metal pipework offered as matchedsystems that are smooth bore, corrosion free andChoices include PVC-U, PVC-C, PP, ABS or HDPEwith good predicted service life. Ranges includeand many systems have the added benefit ofimperial and metric pipe and a broad selection ofWRAS and DWI approval.fittings, valves and accessories.WRAS regulations typically apply between the propertyboundary and the point of discharge for any waterfittings that will carry or receive water from thepublic mains water supply. The regulations providethat the product should not cause waste, misuse,undue consumption or contamination of thewater supply.dwi Reg 31 approval relates to products used bywater companies in the treatment and distributionof water supplies up to the point of deliveryto premises.WRAS Product Approval: for complete productsthat have undergone and passed Wras testing.WRAS Material Approval: for non metallic materialsand components that have been tested to showthey have no adverse affect on water quality.Approved products have been considered not toaffect the quality of the supply or to pose a riskto public health.As the regulations are designed for the widerdistribution network there are some exemptionsfor certain materials and products that are deemedto have a small surface contact area.dwi Reg 31Process Engineering Supplies17
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