SafefloManufactured from high modulus polypropylenerange of components are offered including valves,and with electrofused joints, the Safeflo containmentzone isolators, visual detection points and leakpipe provides a highly abuse resistant and leakdetection/location systems.proof solution for the containment of mixtures ofacids, bases, solvents and fuel oils over a temperaturerange from -20°C to +120°C.Safeflo can be supplied as factory assembled dualcontained components with an extensive range ofservice pipe options or simply as a containmentpipe system for on-site assembly.As standard it is available for the containment ofpipe sizes up to 4 inch (110mm) and a completeUPP Dual ContainmentFor safely transporting fuel and oils the combinationInstalled using a portable hand held fusion welder.of a clear inner lining made of natural EVOH resinUPP™ brand semi-rigid pipework has becomeand HDPE make this ideal for a range ofknown globally as the standard for watertighttemperatures, pressures up to 10bar, and projectselectrofusion welded pipework systems.where the pipework needs to be underground.UPP™ brand pipework utilizes the advancedelectrofusion welding process to effectively16The secondary pipe is a coaxial sleeve co-extrudedbond system components including pipeworkover the UPP extra lined primary pipe and with theand containment together intorange of matching fittings has a 5 bar pressure, water tight system.Process Engineering Supplies
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