Insulation, Jackets & Trace HeatingTo compliment and protect your dual containedIf the project requires specific frost protection orinvestment we have partnered with leadingtemperature maintenance then the addition of ainsulation, custom jacket and trace heatingTrace Heating solution can deliver. The tracespecialists. Whether you are looking to protectheating can be provided as a kit to install alongsidefrom temperature impact or other environmentalthe insulation or we can offer our Double Safeaffects such as UV these products can providelong term benefits that can help to maximise thelife and minimise risks of the installation.Our ST insulation range from Kaimann offers theconvenience of a closed cell pre slit and gluedtube ideal for many applications. It’s sisterproducts EPDM Plus and the pre-coatedProtect add UV stability and high chemical andtemperature resistance together with increasedphysical protection. Coming in a variety ofprotective finishes and available in a range offormats to give flexibility on installation methods.For valves and other equipment or pipeworkour range of Insulated Jackets provide an easyto install and removable option that are madebespoke to your requirements.12As well as low temperature protection theycomplete with the wire inside the outercan offer other additional benefits including,containment jacket. Options include air and digitalhigh temperature, fire and acousticthermostats with a local or remote sensor toprotection for personnel.enable in situ adjustments.Process Engineering Supplies
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