TS EDR Digital Sampler - Flipbook - Page 13
Containers Planning for the Study
Review the daily plans and consider the following questions:
Reflect on the routine that is highlighted in Making the Most of Routines. Are there any
children who might need more support during this routine? How will you ensure this
routine is meaningful?
How will all children and their families participate in the Morning Moment
With Families?
Review the guidance for Investigating Containers and Building on the Investigation. Do you
have all the materials you need for each time of day? Note and plan how you will observe
the “Guiding Your Observations” questions.
Review the Daily Experience Opportunities. How will you offer these experiences during
the day? How will these experiences support children’s current needs and interests?
Comprehensive Support: Find
additional support components
including details for preparing
for the study, letters to families,
materials list, and daily embedded
coaching and support provided
within each Teaching Guide.
Review “Reflecting on the Day.”
Consider how you will connect and engage with families each day. Reflect on what you
have learned and observed about the children’s needs and interests.
The Creative Curriculum® Studies for Twos