Goode Glass FINAL (6-26-23) - Flipbook - Page 4
Wonders of Glass:
From the Collection of Susan S. and David R. Goode
On view March 3 - September 3, 2023
This catalogue is produced in conjunction with
Wonders of Glass:
From the Collection of Susan S. and David R. Goode,
an exhibition organized by the Taubman Museum of Art.
Wonders of Glass:
From the Collection of Susan S. and David R. Goode © 2023
Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, Virginia
The exhibition and educational programming is presented
by the Goode Family Foundation.
PUBLISHED BY: Taubman Museum of Art
INTRODUCTION BY: Cindy M. Petersen, Executive Director,
Taubman Museum of Art
ESSAYS BY: Jutta-Annette Page, Guest Curator
PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Cory Crouser, Marty Doyle (Michael Glancy's
Inside-Out), John Wadsworth (Emily Bartelt Juel and Leo Tecosky,
Railroad Boxcar)
TEXTS BY: Val Tensen
DESIGNED BY: Leopoldo Palís
COVER: Toots Zynsky (American, born 1951)
Appagamento (Fulfillment), 2009, polychrome glass threads
(filet de verre), thermo-formed, assembled, fused,
kiln-formed, 11 1/4 x 21 x 13 inches
BACK COVER: Hiroshi Yamano (Japanese, born 1956,
active in United States)
Scene of Japan, 2011, blown glass, iridized; cast and painted bronze
20 x 17 1/8 x 16 1/8 inches
Taubman Museum of Art
110 Salem Avenue SE | Roanoke, Virginia 24011 | 540.342.5760