Dangers and annoyances
The Stockholm area is generally safe, but there are a few annoyances and
dangers you should be aware of.
The greater Stockholm area, including the northern
and southern suburbs and the Stockholm archipelago,
are part of the tick zone. Ticks (fästingar) feed on mammal blood, including human blood. Ticks in the Stockholm region carry two diseases, Borrelia (Lyme disease
in the US), which can be cured by antibiotics, and TickBorne Encephalitis (TBE), a serious inflammation of
the brain.
Bicycles are considered vehicles in Sweden. Where
there are no dedicated bike paths or bike signals, the
cyclist is supposed to follow the signs and regulations
for vehicular traffic. The Stockholm bike path can be
potentially dangerous for the unsuspecting pedestrian
and cyclist alike.
If you have been walking or hiking in grasslands or forests where ticks can flourish, check your body for ticks
as soon as possible. If you find one, do not panic, but
make sure you remove it with a pair of tweezers without
squeezing it or leaving bits of the head under your skin.
The pharmacies have special tweezers for tick removal.
Note the date if you find a tick or tick bite on your body.
Note too if you develop any flu-like symptoms within
one-to-two weeks of being in grasslands, forest or the
archipelago, or after having found a tick on your body,
or if you find raised, red dartboard-like ring on your
body. In such cases, you should contact the local clinic, Vårdcentral, and mention that you were or may have
been bitten by a tick, so that they can run the proper
tests, and most importantly, give you the required medical attention if you have been infected.
In parts of the city, the dedicated bike path merges with
the city traffic, so if you want to bike in Stockholm,
we strongly advice that you wear a helmet. Accidents
involving cars and bikes are not uncommon.
Sweden’s drinking and driving laws are very strict, and
the police are authorized to stop you at any time and
administer a breath-analyzer test. Driving with a blood
alcohol limit over 0.02% can mean a prison sentence.
So, the limit is effectively zero.
Systembolaget – or Systemet as it is usually called – is the
state’s monopoly retail outlet for carry-out drinks
stronger than 3.5% percent alcohol. Weaker drinks can
be sold in supermarkets and gas stations. Swedish regulations are very strict concerning access to alcohol. One
has to be over 18 to drink any alcohol, and one has to
be over 20 to buy alcohol at Systembolaget; the cashier
will always ask you for your ID to verify your age.
Drinking in public areas such as parks is prohibited.