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86 percent of Millennials would consider leaving an
employer whose values don’t match expectations.
PwC, 2011
To stay genuinely competitive,
businesses must become more
responsive to technology innovation
and the needs of digitally-oriented
employees. Organisations need to take
advantage of the opportunities that
digital transformation brings to create
a work environment that is flexible,
interconnected and ubiquitous. According
to a study by PwC, 86 percent of the
Millennials sampled would consider
leaving an employer whose values no
longer match their expectations. For
younger generations, an organisation’s
ability to be innovative, hip and leading
edge – a job to post about on social media
and WhatsApp – is at least as important
as the organisation’s comparative financial
success or market position. Work has
ceased to be just the means to an end:
Work has increasingly become the end
itself. It must be fun, meaningful, and fit
the lifestyle of the worker.
At the same time, many Millennials
and Gen Z demonstrate more of an
entrepreneurial spirit, keen to work
independently instead of working for
others. Digital transformation offers the
tools they need to turn this ambition
into reality. Some already speak of the
rise of the freelancer or ‘gig’ economy
– 50 percent of the U.S. workforce
will be freelancers by 2020. Digital
transformation is the development
that helps these generations realise
their potential. In order to attract and
nurture the new generation of workers,
organisations should use the changing
times to seize new opportunities and
become an environment that employees
feel proud of. Businesses should create
their own new worlds of work by listening
to workers and aligning their expectations
with corporate objectives.