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The volume of voice communications will grow by
8 percent each year, resulting in annual call durations
of more than 70 trillion minutes. Ovum 2016
Whilst digitalisation sceptics still think
that voice communications volumes have
peaked and will eventually decline, the
raw statistics say the opposite. According
to a study by Ovum, the amount of
voice communication is to grow by 8
percent annually by 2025. The world
population will average 23 minutes per
day per head, adding up to an annual call
duration of 70 trillion minutes. People are
communicating more rather than less.
standard. The popular telephone will
function in a digital manner, but it will still
provide voice communication. As a result
of the transition to all IP, Cisco expects
global IP traffic to nearly triple from 2016
to 2021, reaching 3.3 Zetabytes per year.
At the same time, all IP provides the
foundation for new cloud services that
facilitate but do not dehumanise the
new world of work. Whilst it is quite
undisputed that digital transformation
It may be the overstatement of the century leads to a change in our communication
to claim that digital transformation will
behaviour, traditional and human
encourage users and organisations to
communication channels such as voice
abolish familiar communication channels
becomes yet another application in the IP
like the telephone. Technically speaking, all world. By no means does it diminish its
forms of communication will be digitally
‘personal touch’.
transformed by the change to the all IP