KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 5
Thanks to funding from the True Colours Trust, we're
supporting a pioneering new paediatric palliative
care nurse post to help King's support families at an
incredibly challenging time (P25).
While it is beyond our remit as a charity to solve all the
challenges facing the NHS workforce, with support
from NHS Charities Together, we continue to focus
on areas where we can make a significant impact on
staff wellbeing at King’s. For an exhausted nurse in
the middle of a stressful shift, a Fruitful Box in the staff
room or a smart fridge stocked with nutritious food
near the ward can make a huge difference (P10). Being
able to use a Blue Light Card for discounts on essential
items can also go some way towards making life feel
more manageable.
One of our most important roles is to bring the whole
community together so we can make the best care
possible. Every supporter is powered by their own story
of transformation – an experience of life-changing care,
a creative response to grief and loss, a vision of what
more could be done to take care further. We’ve shared
these stories far and wide over the past year, from the
corridors of King’s to the Sky News sofa, creating more
and more opportunities for people to get involved in
our mission (P32).
As we move into the second year of our 2022-25
strategy, we look forward to working with many more
partners in transformation so we can maximise our
impact. From individual patients and hospital teams to
communities and corporations, together we can make
the best care possible.
Adrian Williams
27 July 2023
Gail Scott-Spicer
Chief Executive
27 July 2023
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