KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 49
The Trustees are responsible for the appointment of the
independent auditors. Buzzacott LLP were originally
appointed for a three-year term, starting with the
2016/17 audit. Their appointment was renewed for a
third three-year term beginning this year.
Internal audit
Three internal audits were undertaken during the year
covering grant expenditure, risk management and a
follow up of the Fundraising Code Compliance. Planning
for 2023-24 was approved.
Fundraising governance
The Charity benefits from a loyal supporter base,
principally individuals or groups who have benefitted
from the care delivered by King’s College Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust. Income is received across a wide
spectrum, including individual donations, regular
donations from committed supporters, proceeds of
fundraising events, sponsored events (principally
sporting activities) and legacies.
We are committed to providing the highest possible
level of supporter care to our individuals and
organisations who are generous enough to lend
their support to our work and aim for best practice
in fundraising by complying with a range of codes
of practice and standards. The Charity is a member
of the Institute of Fundraising and is registered with
the Fundraising Regulator, adhering to its Code
of Fundraising Practice, Fundraising Promise and
Fundraising Preference Service. The Trustees are not
aware of any failure by the Charity, or by any person
acting on its behalf, to comply with fundraising
standards or scheme for fundraising regulation that the
Charity has voluntarily subscribed to.
We are committed to making decisions that are in the
best interests of the Charity and ultimately, of our
beneficiaries. Our ethical fundraising relationships
policy ensures that we do not compromise on our
purpose and values when it comes to raising income. It
is reviewed every two years.
The Charity uses agencies to help us with certain
elements of our fundraising including door-to-door,
private site and telephone fundraising as well as
processing of donations to our website and the
collection of regular donations. We also benefit from
a charity lottery administered by a third party. The
agencies we use are thoroughly vetted and briefed
on the purpose of the Charity and the need for them
to comply with and meet the standards set out in the
Code of Fundraising Practice. Agency staff receive
training about the work of the hospital, the Charity’s
values and our expectations regarding the standards
to be maintained. Oversight of their activities is carried
out through a combination of methods including
meetings and mystery shopping.
We aim to ensure that supporters and members of
the public are afforded the highest levels of support,
respect and protection. All fundraising staff are trained
in the Charity’s fundraising policies, which include
the following:
● Comprehensive compliance with the code as it
relates to use of external organisations to fundraise
for the Charity.
● Our whistleblowing policy covers how staff or
volunteers can report a fundraising concern about
any of our fundraising activities.
● The Charity has a policy in place that sets out how
it protects vulnerable people and other members
of the public from behaviour that:
● Is an unreasonable intrusion on a person’s
● Is unreasonably persistent;
● Responsible gambling;
● Places undue pressure on a person to give
money or other property.
● The complaints policy sets out the process for
promptly responding to any complaint about our
work. In the last year, since we started using an
agency for private site and door to door fundraising,
we have received four complaints about this
particular activity. No individuals have registered
with the Fundraising Preference Service in order to
stop us contacting them during the year.
● We recognise the importance of safeguarding the
personal data of our supporters and ensuring that
we have a legal basis for maintaining and processing
such data. This is set out in our privacy statement,
which is published on our website and periodically
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D A CCO U N T S 2 0 2 2 / 2 3