KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 36
Our future focus
Our future focus
In the second year of our 2022-25 Strategy, we will further
strengthen our systems and develop our work with partners
and supporters to make the best care possible at King's.
Improving patient and visitor experience of our hospitals
Better treatments and care for more people
Delivering the changes that take care
Improving grants processes and systems
Make a total of £2.2m worth of grants to take care
further at King's, including:
Strengthen our reporting to demonstrate impact of
grant making, including:
Significant strategic projects using donations
proactively sought from major donors
Greater tracking of monitoring and reporting from
large grants
Directing spend from existing designated funds
towards our strategic objectives
Surveys of grantees, staff and patients.
Focusing spend from our strategic funds on
strategic priorities.
Deliver planned grants and projects at King's:
Establish new Grants Committee to:
Implement successful 2022 Crown Fund projects
Select and deliver chosen Strategic Crown Fund
project to improve care for patients in greatest
Improve strategic decision making on grants
Improve stakeholder engagement.
Commit grants towards a programme of capital
improvement works on paediatric wards
Develop plans for improvements to renal
outpatient areas using legacy funding.
Make grant commitments to spend funds raised
from the Transforming Liver Care appeal.
Aim to commit grants within 6-12 months of receiving
a restricted donation, requiring some process
Create designated fund strategy to reform special
purpose funds and increase freedom of decisionmaking. This includes developing our grants funding
model to strengthen our ability to apply Full Cost
Recovery on grant-making activites and designated
fund management.
S U P P O R T K I N G S .O R G .U K