KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 35
Being our best in all we do
Investing in digital
Last year, we identified digital as an important growth
area. As we seek to reach more people with experience
of King’s care, use technology to build a strong
community of support to help take care further, and
use digital tools to run our office systems efficiently, a
sustained focus in this key area is vital.
During the year, we focused on our digital foundations,
creating digital strategy, developing our website to
improve supporter experience and strengthening our
tools and systems for tracking and evaluating how
people find us, engage with us and take action online.
We were successful in an application to NHS Charities
Together for a £30,000 grant to support further digital
development, enabling us to be more targeted in our
communications, to transform our donation systems
and to grow our own digital skills and capacity.
Alongside this development work, we successfully
transitioned to a new finance system and human
resources system, as well as embedded the grantmaking system we established the previous year,
improving workflows and making our processes more
Clockwise from top: Siân Winter presenting at our Board of Trustees
meeting, modelling at a photoshoot to promote the King's Lottery,
and receiving pioneering CAR-T therapy at King's in 2021.
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D A CCO U N T S 2 0 2 2 / 2 3