KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 33
Building support
the best care
Left: Lola Rose and family with Rays of Sunshine
ward Matron Niamh Whelan, preparing for our
Charity Christmas Appeal.
We were all treated
with the utmost care and
compassion during a very scary
and worrying time. We will be
eternally grateful for everything
King’s has done for us – this is why
we wanted to take part in the Great
Hospital Hike and raise some money
for the brilliant teams we were
fortunate to meet.
Sam Wright
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D A CCO U N T S 2 0 2 2 / 2 3