KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 17
Improving patient and visitor experience
Making an impact
Strategic Crown Fund 2023
As well as funding new projects, many of the initiatives
we funded through the 2021 Crown Fund came to
fruition this year, significantly improving patient
experience of care and treatment.
Towards the end of 2022/23, we launched a
Strategic Crown Fund call for projects that
make the best care possible for patients in
the greatest need. Specifically aligned to
our 2022-25 Strategy, the call led to 44 highquality expressions of interest from senior staff
developing ideas to invest £300,000 across
Using technology to support deteriorating patients
Avoidable patient deterioration is one of the leading
causes of death in the NHS. The iRescue app we funded
now helps guide staff in recognising the signs of
deterioration, and directs them to further resources,
improving their confidence in caring for these
vulnerable patients. Since its launch last year, 1,667
staff members have accessed the app and between
them have visited the website nearly 8,000 times,
helping to tackle the signs of deterioration in many
patients and provide better care.
Caring for our most frail patients
Last year, we funded improvements to the patient
day room in Donne ward, to provide some of the
frailest patients in King’s with a calming, comforting
environment. The grant, together with a donation from
CBRE Residential, has been used to transform the space
into a therapeutic area specifically designed for people
with cognitive and communication impairments. As well
as artwork that aids patient stimulation and recovery,
the area is now equipped with comfortable seating,
adjustable lighting and sensory stimulation.
Having the day room
where you can bring our
patients, sit them down, talk to
them, and relax them, I think it's
going to bring much happiness to the
team. I would like to say thank you to
King's College Hospital Charity for
supporting our vision.
Mark Collins, an Executive Director at CBRE UK, says,
"King's College Hospital Charity is very close to my heart.
I became involved several years ago through supporting
the new Critical Care Unit and remain in awe of the
wonderful work that the Charity makes possible."
Maureen Ndubishi
Ward Leader
No one left behind
Other projects we are supporting through the 2022 Crown Fund include:
Improving the environment in rooms used for endof-life care and paediatric psychology.
Developing online art therapy for patients
living with chronic pain.
Making breast screening more efficient through
Providing tailored dental care for children with
medical complexities.
Supporting menstruating women with the
side-effects of anticoagulants.
Helping patients with pelvic floor conditions.
Creating peer support groups for patients with
sleep disorders and respiratory conditions.
Reviewing and expanding King's wheelchair fleet.
Delivering musculoskeletal care in the community.
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