KCHC-AR-2023 Final Signed - Flipbook - Page 13
Improving patient and visitor experience
Representatives of King's Volunteers collecting
the Chairman's Award at King's Stars
1.1m GB
of data downloaded
hours of entertainment
At first, the idea
of talking to patients
was daunting, as I’m quite
a shy person... Rather than
rushing away, I’ve learned to
have patience and give them
Amina, 18, describes how her nine months’
work experience with King’s Volunteers
has helped her to grow in confidence and
develop skills that she can take with her –
wherever she goes.
“When I started volunteering at King’s in September
2022, I didn’t really know what to expect. I’m good with
technology so was happy to focus on helping patients
use the entertainment system. I go all over the hospital
distributing the tablet devices – but the role is also about
simply talking to people. At first, the idea of talking
to patients was daunting, as I’m quite a shy person,
especially with new people. It can feel awkward when I
talk to a patient and am just not sure whether they are
able to respond or not. Rather than rushing away, I’ve
learned to have patience and give them time.
King's Volunteer
Amina (left) and other
tech-savvy King's Volunteeers
are instrumental in distributing the
entertainment system and supporting
patients like Joan (right) to make the most of it.
“It’s the opposite with professionals, really – they are so
busy, that when I need something from them, I have to
be prepared to work hard to be noticed. Rather than
being timid, I’ve learned to feel more confident in taking
up their attention. I’ve been welcomed and accepted
by everyone and, as a young Muslim woman, that’s not
something I can take for granted. Of all the hospital
teams I saw in action, I was particularly drawn to
midwifery. The staff showed such kindness, calmness and
reassurance to patients, it was amazing. I think I might
be able to do that.”
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D A CCO U N T S 2 0 2 2 / 2 3