KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 65
Alan Bolchover | Trustee • Appointed 18 March 2019
Alan has spent over 20 years in senior management, specialising in income stream
and brand development for social enterprise. Appointed Director of Fundraising of
the Outward Bound Trust (OBT) in July 2010, he has overseen an increase in income
from £1.7M in 2010 to £8.68M in 2018, which has helped to provide activities for
25,000 young people a year. OBT employs 300 staff at six residential centres in the
Lakes and Mountains of the UK’s most dramatic terrain.
Gillian Burgess | Trustee • Appointed 24 March 2022
Gillian is currently Executive Vice President and Head of Research at pharmaceutical
company Grünenthal. She has significant experience of advancing research
programmes to clinical development and to patients. Her extensive professional
networks include being Chair of ‘Advanced Oxford’ and a trustee and member of the
Board of Directors of the Rosalind Franklin Institute. Gillian lives in the catchment area
for King’s hospitals and has supported local groups in raising social enterprise funds.
Jon Cohen | Trustee • Appointed 29 September 2020
Professor Cohen completed his medical degree at Charing Cross Hospital Medical
School in 1975. He has worked in the NHS in the field of infectious diseases for over 30
years, becoming Chair and Head of Department at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial
College School of Medicine. His research interest lies in severe bacterial infections
and he has an international reputation for his work in helping to develop new forms
of treatment for sepsis and septic shock. He was the founding Dean of Brighton and
Sussex Medical School, and currently serves as a non-executive director of King’s
College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and as Chair of the Appeal Panel for NICE.
Jim Downing | Trustee • Appointed 19 September 2023
Jim has more than 30 years of experience in international financial markets. He
currently serves as Chairman of Native Land, based in Southwark, and acts as a nonexecutive director, advisor and investor in healthcare and other sectors. He founded
London Youth Rowing, a charity working with young people in areas of economic
and social deprivation for which he was awarded a British Empire Medal in the 2019
Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Jim has an MBA from Yale School of Management and
a Bachelor of Science degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the USA.
Ian McKe琀琀y | Trustee • Appointed 1 June 2022
Ian is the Chief Information Officer of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. In this role he
is responsible for technology leadership and strategy, including the transformation
of Kew’s technology services. He is also the executive lead for Kew’s Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) programme. Prior to this role, he has held a number of
technology-focused senior leadership positions in both the private and public sector.
Ian is also an independent governor at the University of Bedfordshire and is an active
business mentor.
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