KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 5
We continued to focus on creating a culture of support
within each of our hospitals, prioritising the welfare of
hardworking staff. Clinical staff in Chartwell cancer ward
at the Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH) have
benefited from monthly supervision sessions that foster
collaboration and improve wellbeing (P17). As well as
setting up The Retreat in Denmark Hill, a calm, private
space where staff in distress can seek help, we were
delighted to celebrate and recognise outstanding care
by NHS staff in our annual King’s Stars Awards, (P17).
Over the course of the 2023/24 financial year, we made a
significant contribution of £2.5M across all hospital sites,
including £336K to help support staff, £754K to enhance
patient experience, £471K to advance treatment and
care (including capital projects), and £1M to fund vital
research (P57-58).
We were also proud to invest £442K in cutting-edge
equipment and technology to improve patient
treatment and outcomes, assist staff and further
We would like to thank the Charity’s Board of Trustees
for their hard work and commitment to underpin all
these activities with effective governance and strategic
vision. In particular, our thanks go to George King, who
came to the end of his long and highly distinguished
term as Chair and Trustee in May 2023.
One of our key priorities for the year ahead is to
strengthen our engagement with King’s staff as
partners in both raising funds and delivering change.
We also look forward to working in partnership with
King’s to develop our growth and strategic plans for
2025 and beyond.
Together, we can make the best care possible.
Adrian Williams
Chair of Trustees
26 July 2024
Gail Scott-Spicer
Chief Executive
26 July 2024
The Chair and Chief Executive visiting
the new King’s Critical Care Centre to
hear directly from Clinical Director
Dr Tom Best MBE about the difference
Charity funding is making to
how patients and families
experience critical
care and how this
affects clinical
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 3/ 24