KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 39
required to adhere to.
We are committed to making decisions that are in
the best interests of the Charity and, ultimately, our
beneficiaries. Our ethical fundraising policy ensures
we do not compromise on our purpose and values
when raising income. It is reviewed every two years.
The Charity uses agencies to help us with some
aspects of our fundraising, including door-to-door,
private site, and telephone fundraising, as well as
the processing of donations to our website and the
collection of regular donations. We also benefit from
a charity lottery managed by an external lottery
manager. The agencies we use are thoroughly vetted
and briefed on the purpose of the Charity and the
need for them to comply with and meet the standards
set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice. Agency
staff receive training about the hospital’s work, the
Charity’s values and the standards to be maintained.
Oversight of their activities is carried out through a
combination of methods, including regular meetings
and mystery shopping.
We aim to ensure that supporters are afforded the
highest levels of support, respect and protection.
All fundraising staff are trained in the Charity’s
fundraising policies, which include the following:
activity that were successfully resolved. No
individuals have registered with the Fundraising
Preference Service to stop us from contacting them
during the year.
• We recognise the importance of safeguarding the
personal data of our supporters and ensuring
that we have a legal basis for maintaining and
processing such data in line with PECR, GDPR
and ICO requirements. This is set out in our
privacy statement, published on our website and
periodically updated.
We run a large subscription-type, society, remote,
low-frequency lottery licensed by the Gambling
Chances of winning
Based on average lottery ticket sales, the likelihood of
winning a prize is:
• First prize: 1 in 13.9 million chance;
• Second prize: 1 in 55,200 chance; and
• Comprehensive compliance with the Code related to
using external organisations to fund the Charity;
• Guaranteed prizes (3rd, 4th, 5th): 1 in 243 chance,
based on current lottery size of c.8.5K chances and
35 prizes.
• Our whistleblowing policy covers how staff or
volunteers can report a concern about our activities;
In the 2023 calendar year, based on its previous lottery
scheme, £285K was received in lottery proceeds:
• The Charity has a policy in place that promotes
responsible gambling and deters irresponsible
gambling. It also has a vulnerable people policy,
protecting members of the public from behaviour
• Prizes were previously paid by the ELM; it is therefore
estimated that 5% of the proceeds will now be spent
on prizes;
» Is an unreasonable intrusion on a person’s privacy;
» Is unreasonably persistent; or
» Places undue pressure on a person to give money or
other property.
• The complaints policy sets out the process for
promptly responding to any complaint about our
work. In 2023/24, since we started using an agency
for private site and door-to-door fundraising, we
have received four complaints about this particular
• 31% of the proceeds is spent on expenses related to
promoting and running the lottery; and
• 64% of the proceeds is applied directly to the
purposes of the society from all tickets sold.
Funds held by external lottery manager
Funds held by external lottery manager at 31 March
2024 was £38K.
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 3/ 24