KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 36
Constitution and governance processes
The Charity is registered with the Charity Commission
(number 1165593) and has been established as a
company limited by guarantee (number 09987908).
Its governance arrangements are set out in its
memorandum and articles of association.
The subsidiary has been dormant since incorporation
and throughout 2023/24.
The Trustees are, therefore, both charity trustees as
a matter of charity law and company directors as a
matter of company law.
During the year, the number of Trustees on the Board
varied from ten to 12, with 12 being the maximum
number provided in the Articles. Trustees may serve
up to two terms of three years, with the possibility of
three by exception. The Charity has three officer roles:
Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer, all appointed by the
The Charity came into being on 1 April 2016, when
it received a transfer of the assets and funds of a
previous charity with the same name regulated by the
Department of Health. The mission remains the same
as that of its predecessor: to work for the benefit of
patients and service users of King’s across all its sites
and for the Trustees and staff to continue to work
closely with the Board, managers and clinical staff
across King’s to develop and deliver our plans.
A legally binding deed between King’s and the Charity
recognises the Charity’s independence and confirms
that all charitable donations received by King’s will
be transferred to the Charity. A memorandum of
understanding between the two organisations sets
out the partnership principles that underpin our
collaboration in the interests of NHS patients and
service users.
The Trustees’ activities are principally governed by the
Charities Act 2011 and the Companies Act 2006, some
provisions of both Acts being replaced by the Charities
Act 2022.
The Trustees confirm that they have taken into
account the Charity Commission’s guidance on ‘public
benefit’ (including the guidance “Public benefit:
running a charity (PB2)”) in reviewing the Charity’s
strategic objectives, setting their grant-giving policies
for 2023/24 and planning their future activities. The
Trustees are committed to ensuring that NHS patients
are the ultimate beneficiaries of their grant giving.
King’s College Hospital Charity (KCHC) owns 100%
of the issued ordinary share capital of KCHC Trading
Limited, a company incorporated in England and
Wales (company registration no. 11881179). The
company was incorporated on 13 March 2019. The
principal activity of the subsidiary is to manage the
trading activities of King’s College Hospital Charity.
S U P P O R T K I N G S .O R G .U K
The Trustees
The following members served on the Board during
Rachel Barton
Alan Bolchover
Gillian Burgess
Jonathan Cohen
Alison Lewzey
Florence Akende
Ian McKetty
Adrian Williams
Bernadette Thompson (appointed 19 September 2023)
Stephen Peel (appointed 19 September 2023)
James Downing (appointed 19 September 2023)
Jane Bailey (appointed 22 March 24)
George King (end of term 31 May 2023)
For the complete list of members who served on the
Board in 2023/24, see P64–66.
Under the terms of the Charity’s memorandum and
articles of association, two Trustees may be nominated
by King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
The Board of Trustees met four times during the
year. In addition, there are three sub- committees
of Trustees: the Finance, Audit, Investment and
Remuneration Committee (FAIRC), which met four
times; a Governance, Nominations and People
Committee (GNPC), which met three times; and a
Grants Committee (GC) which met twice during the
All new Trustees are given appropriate induction
into their responsibilities (as laid out in the Charity
Commission’s guidance) and are also provided with