KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 25
Our future focus
• Building support for the
best care
• Being our best in all we do
Increasing our sustainable, unrestricted
Developing our governance
Maintain investment in growth of regular giving and
King’s Lottery, recruiting throughout hospital sites.
Support the Board to develop a new, financially
sustainable strategic plan for 2025–28.
Recruit 2,000 new donors from door-to-door and
private-site fundraising, while strengthening our
reporting, stewardship and cross-selling.
Operationalise previous independent governance
review, implementing recommendations from
internal audits.
Raise £100,000 through the Great Hospital Hike,
including the recruitment of a corporate sponsor.
Strengthen compliance and processes across
the Charity, including Gambling Commission
requirements for the King’s Lottery.
Increase income from our direct marketing
programme, through digital and postal appeals
and the development of an email newsletter to
strengthen supporter engagement.
Develop a compelling marketing programme for
legacy and in-memory fundraising.
Supporting department-specific
fundraising to help benefit more patients
Work with key clinicians to develop projects that
support our strategic objectives and engage grateful
Grow a pipeline of major gifts and undertake
solicitations, matching projects with potential
funders and testing full cost recovery.
Building awareness of our cause,
throughout our hospitals and beyond
Strengthen alignment with the Trust’s corporate
communications activity, including shared editorial.
Developing our people
Mobilise the new look HR function to deliver
progress on People Strategy.
Update key policies to embed Charity values more
firmly, including equality, diversity and inclusion
Developing our systems and processes
Develop the structure of the Finance and
Resources directorate and related support
processes to deliver efficiency improvement.
Strengthen staff skills in performance reporting,
developing IT and digital strategy to streamline
processes and improve effectiveness.
Managing our financial resources
Deploy digital strategy to increase reach,
engagement and conversion across all digital
Regular monitoring of financial strategy and
reserves policy using agreed KPIs and milestones.
Improve our visibility across hospital sites, through
improved engagement with hospital staff and
effective use of existing and new advertising spaces.
Monitor progress relative to budget target for
growth in unrestricted income and return on
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 3/ 24