KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 24
Our future focus
Our future focus
In the third year of our 2022-25 strategy, we will further strengthen
our systems and develop our work with partners and supporters to
create new possibilities for future care and treatment at King's.
• Improving patient and visitor experience of our hospitals
• Beer treatments and care for more people
Delivering planned grants and Trust
Improving grants processes and systems
Make a total of £2.5M-£3.4M worth of grants to take
care further at King’s, including:
Meet our service level agreement to commit grants
within 6-12 months of restricted donation.
• £750K-£1.5M from existing special purpose funds
• £1M from restricted donations
• £750K-900K from strategic funds.
Implement successful 2023 Strategic Crown Fund
projects to make the best care possible for patients in
greatest need.
Continue to raise the standard of data collection,
including through early engagement with major
Hold 2024-25 Crown Fund call to generate £150K
worth of projects to support hospital teams.
Develop ideas for projects that meet strategic
objectives and can serve as a focus for fundraising
Work in partnership with the Trust to complete
the outdoor critical care unit – creating a garden
environment for critical care patients – ready for
opening next year.
Develop a shared plan for full cost recovery,
including a levy on designated fund income to cover
the costs incurred by the Charity in managing and
administrating these funds.
Finalise grant commitments from the Transforming
Liver Care appeal and renal legacy, including an
outpatient area and service development.
Create a designated fund strategy to increase
freedom of decision making, including a review of
small grants, the rationalisation of existing funds and
the improvement of processes to identify unsolicited
restricted donations.
Continuously improve our grant-making system to
support grant administration and reporting.
S U P P O R T K I N G S .O R G .U K