KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 22
How did we do?
Being our best in all we do
We are continuing to invest in our sta昀昀 and develop our governance
so we can have the biggest impact for King’s patients.
Establishing our Grants Committee
Listening to staff survey feedback
We held our first Grants Committee meeting in
July 2023, with two further meetings following
later in 2023/24. Chaired by Professor Jon Cohen,
a long-standing Trustee of the Charity and, until
January 2024, a non-executive director at King’s, the
Committee provides more detailed expert review of
grants between £50K and £250K (previously reviewed
by the Board of Trustees). The new Committee not
only improves the efficiency of our grant making but
enables our Board to operate more effectively.
During the year we continued to refine our hybrid
working practices, with 91% of staff agreeing or
strongly agreeing that they had the tools required
to work effectively both in the office and at home.
With most staff working remotely for part of the
week, it was particularly important to build our
sense of team through regular meetings and
opportunities to connect formally and informally,
for example through lunches in the office, team
away days or social activities. It was pleasing to
see this reflected in survey feedback.
Improving systems and processes
Managing our finances carefully
During the course of the year, we conducted planned
internal audits on cybersecurity, payroll and HR
processes, having audited risk management and
grants management over the first two years of our
strategic cycle. While the audits found no major
concerns, we have worked through recommendations
to ensure our processes are as robust as possible.
Our work this year included developing our key
performance indicators and
long-range financial plans.
We also completed
tendering for
external audit
and investment
Boosting staff wellbeing
In June 2023, we launched a new staff wellbeing
initiative, giving each participating Charity team
member £25 a month to spend on the wellbeing
platform, Heka. From plants and compost to
physiotherapy and Fitbits, the contribution from
the Charity encourages staff to pursue wellbeing
activities they might not otherwise have taken part in.
I used the wellbeing voucher to
purchase a bowel cancer screening test
a昀琀er a close friend of mine died…it
cost me two vouchers but gave me real
peace of mind.”
S U P P O R T K I N G S .O R G .U K
to this
voucher I’ve
been able to try my
hand at candle making
and lino printing, as well as
planting peonies and purchasing
an erasable notebook. I can
now scan my notes to the Cloud,
rub them out and start again
without leaving scraps of paper
and piles of old notebooks
behind. It makes me happy.”