KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 19
Beer treatments and care for more people
Supporting the experts
The field of liver disease, treatment and care is
constantly evolving and the development of new
life-saving medical advances lies in the hands of
dedicated researchers, clinicians and specialists.
Adrian Mowat and his family, the founding donors
of MowatLabs, have generously pledged to fund
a PhD scholarship over the next four years to
help facilitate scientific discovery and progress
paediatric liver research.
Annika and Nikos Papantoniou have also committed
significant funding towards the activities of Dr
Jessica Nulty, a postdoctoral researcher involved
in a number of research projects with a particular
focus on the treatment of biliary atresia.
We also engaged with Rishi and Milan Khosla to fund
a four-year PhD research project focusing on the
discovery of new treatment options for acute-onchronic liver failure.
Thanks to the generosity of these donors, the
dedicated team at MowatLabs can continue to
progress treatment and transform the lives of young
liver patients. Without them, this vital work would
not be possible.
Extraordinary support from key donors is not only
unlocking the secrets of liver disease but also
powering development in other King’s specialisms
and clinical research areas.
A donation from an
international donor is helping
to establish a fellowship
programme to further research
in Parkinson’s disease.
Philanthropy is also
accelerating Professor
Jackson’s work to prevent sight
loss through retinal research.
In addition to supporting vital
research, Ralph Smith has
funded a Cardiohelp machine
that provides cardiopulmonary
assistance during surgery,
ensuring greater numbers of
viable livers are available for
We can take that concept that we
created in the laboratory and take
it to the bedside and test it with
patients. And once we have done that;
answered a question, come up with a
solution and proved that it works,
we can then help to prolong a
child’s life and improve their
day-to-day living.”
– Professor Anil Dhawan
Dr Jessica Nulty, one of the postdoctoral
researchers at MowatLabs, whose research
is focused on improving treatment and care
for young patients with biliary artresia.
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 3/ 24