KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 14
How did we do?
Beer treatments and
care for more people
We make the best care possible by supporting innovative research
and cu琀琀ing-edge treatments that improve patient outcomes.
Funding highlights
Taking research
Investing in
and innovation
We have funded
pioneering research across
a wide range of specialisms
to keep care advancing.
We fund projects that
support staff and
help make a hard job
The generosity of donors
is helping to realise King’s
research ambitions and drive
innovation in treatment.
Page 16
Page 17
Pages 18-19
Nitish Narverkar, Clinical
Director of Gynaecology
at King’s College Hospital,
pictured demonstrating
King’s state-of-the-art robot
assisted surgical system
S U P P O R T K I N G S .O R G .U K