KCHC Annual Review 2023-24 WEB Singles - Flipbook - Page 11
Improving patient and visitor experience
Making people
feel comfortable
Multiple refurbishment projects
across King’s have transformed key
areas into bright, welcoming spaces.
Transformation of the Emergency
Department Majors area
Critical Care
Practitioner Toni
Veloso at the new facility
in Denmark Hill.
King’s Critical Care Centre opens
Our contribution of two grants totalling £52K towards
a huge refurbishment project of the Majors area in the
Emergency Department in Denmark Hill has enhanced
its environment and capacity. New artwork, modern
furniture and LED skylights have created a calm,
pleasant space for patients and staff.
A new day room for King’s longeststaying inpatients
People with complex, life-changing injuries on
Katherine Monk ward can be admitted for very lengthy
stays. Staff noted that the patients often felt confined
to the ward because the day room was not fit for
Thanks to a successful £25K Crown Fund application,
new equipment, comfortable furniture and calming
décor has transformed the area into a welcoming
space for patients to relax, socialise and meet relatives
away from their bedside.
We are delighted that the new King’s Critical Care
Centre, the new state-of-the-art facility at Denmark
Hill, is now fully open, following the million-pound
contribution our supporters funded several years ago.
As well as the latest technology, the unique centre also
has artwork and nature motifs on the walls to help
create a less clinical atmosphere.
New features include push-button privacy blinds
and beds that rotate 360°, allowing critical care
patients, who are often deprived of basic functions
such as breathing independently, some control over
their environment. Individual bedside touchscreen
computers capture important medical information,
enable patients to call their loved ones and provide
access to the Charity-funded patient entertainment
system 24 hours a day.
It’s fantastic to be able to care for
a patient’s whole wellbeing in such
an innovative space that will be琀琀er
support recovery.”
– Dr Tom Best MBE, Clinical Director for Critical Care
Charity Chief Executive
Gail Scott-Spicer
opening the new day
room on Katherine
Monk ward.
towards improving the
birthing rooms in the PRUH
In 2023/24, we also committed funding to a wide range
of projects to enhance the hospital environment and
improve patient experience across King’s, including:
• £50K for the children’s playroom on Princess Elizabeth &
Lion wards
• £10K for the children’s playroom on Toni & Guy ward
• £18K for the parent bathrooms on Toni & Guy ward
• £25K for the paediatric psychology clinic rooms
• £10K for the paediatric dentistry sensory room and clinic
K I N G’ S CO L L E G E H O S P I TA L C H A R I T Y A N N UA L R E P O R T A N D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 2 3/ 24