Klimarapport til paperturn UK - Flipbook - Side 18
Purchased goods and services
This Scope 3 subcategory includes all the upstream
emissions from the production of the purchased
goods that include machinery, equipment, many
types of seals (rubber etc.) and the total of purchased services. It includes all upstream (i.e., cradleto-gate) emissions from the production of these
products purchased by STEFFCA in 2023.
As far as the purchased goods and services are
concerned the spend-based method was used, using
the database Exiobase 3. The emission factors used
were location-speci昀椀c, combining information about
the type of service, the country of origin and the total
value spent on them. This subcategory is the one
with the highest emissions in Scope 3 contributing
to STEFFCA’s footprint with 905 tonnes of CO2e, that
is 76% of total Scope 3 emissions. This subcategory
encompasses a wide array of products, often made
with carbon-intensive processes. In comparison
to 2022, purchased goods and services emissions
have slightly increased by 7%, possibly due to the
increase of the purchased value of products.
The indirect emissions
that are related to STEFFCA’s
suppliers, from the purchased
primary materials and goods that
昀氀ow into the company to
the services that STEFFCA
utilizes are known as upstream
In order to achieve the minimum possible emissions
in this category, STEFFCA seeks to source its purchased goods from local and sustainable suppliers,
when possible, while priority should be given to suppliers that can disclose environmental product-speci昀椀c data. This would lead to a better accuracy of
the calculations, as the average emission factors
alternative used are approximative and could lead to
an overestimation of the attributed emissions.
Purchased capital goods
This subcategory covers emissions resulting from
the production of capital assets acquired by STEFFCA in 2023. These assets comprise purchased materials and equipment, with emissions assessed using
the spend-based method and data sourced from the
monetary database Exiobase 3.
The environmental impact was calculated using a
cradle-to-gate approach.
The analysis revealed that the emissions from the
production of these capital goods totalled 14,521 kg
of CO2e.