StrategicPlan-24-26 FINAL - Flipbook - Page 20
Board engagement.
Executive engagement from the CEO and the
Communications and Marketing Manager.
Survey of members.
Workshop with staff.
Engagement with the wider stakeholders
including government departments, service
providers and other charities.
The Board nominated the CEO and the
Communications and Marketing Manager to
drive the Strategic Planning Process with the
Communications and Marketing Manager taking
the role of Project Manager.
The outcome of the process is a set of 5
Strategic Priorities set out below. In addition,
there will be a workplan, with associated KPIS
(key performance indicators), that will guide the
work of management and staff over the next 3
years on implementing the Strategic Plan and
achieving the Strategic Priorities.
Employee engagement and customer
satisfaction surveys.
This strategy will be reviewed in the in Q4
2026. The CEO is accountable to the Board for
delivery of the strategy and regular reporting on
Risk Management
The Board are conscious of managing the risks
associated with a new Strategic Plan. Critical
for members will be that there is no drop off
in existing services. Of equal importance will
be to ensure that the impact upon staff, our
lifeblood in delivering these services, is taken
into account. Finally, as guardians of the
finances of the DDAI, the Board will maintain
oversight of all new initiatives to ensure that
they strengthen and build on the financial
stability of the organisation.
The Board of DDAI share responsibility for the
strategy and future direction of DDAI and the
effective and efficient delivery of its plans and
functions. Ensuring that the highest standards
of corporate governance are always observed,
the Board is supported by the CEO and senior
management through updates at all Board
meetings on strategic, financial and operational
We will track our progress in delivering Strategy
2024 – 2026 as follows:
Annual review of Strategic Priorities by the
Board and Executive.
Ensuring that the Board agenda and Board
reporting incorporates greater emphasis on
oversight of strategic execution.
Annual business plans and monthly
reporting by the Executive to the Board.
Strategy updates to stakeholders at
AGM, meetings, and through other
speaking engagements and our internal
communications channels.
Member Survey
As part of the Strategic Planning Process, the
Board – proposed that we survey all members.
The purpose of the survey was to both engage
members in the Strategic Planning Process and
to get their views on the Purpose and priorities
of the Association. We had a very satisfactory
response rate with 667 members responding to
the survey.
We asked members 3 questions to get their
overall views on the Purpose of the DDAI and
how they would like the DDAI to focus its
supports. Specifically members were asked
whether they were clear on our purpose “We
promote independence and equal opportunity
through mobility, education and training and “We
promote independence through driving in order
to reduce isolation” and whether this purpose is
still relevant today.
The key findings from the survey are outlined
on pages 21 and 22.