StrategicPlan-24-26 FINAL - Flipbook - Page 19
2024-2026 STRATEGY
Strategic Planning Process
The Board undertook to engage in a
Strategic Planning Process for the first
time in 2022 with the actual process
beginning in 2023. Much progress has
been made but hurdles still exist for
members trying to live fully independent
lives. The landscape within which the
DDAI operates has transformed since
the association was founded in 1970
- changes to technology for example
has transformed access to work,
shopping, and socialisation – disabled
drivers continue to face barriers to fully
participating in society.
The recent surveys conducted by the DDAI
(Coyne Research, Baywatch campaign) has
shown for example that disabled parking bays
continue to be abused by non-badge holding
drivers on a regular or occasional basis. Over
81% of members have noticed disabled parking
bays being abused which is a higher response
than the national average 74%). Confusion
continues to exist among the public, and
members, around whether traffic warden or
a garda can issue a parking fine to someone
parked in a disabled parking bay on private
property. Almost one third of the disabled drivers
surveyed were unaware that traffic wardens and
gardai were unable to issue such fines.
The Strategic Planning Process aims to set
out a key set of Strategic Priorities for the
next 3 years, and beyond, that will shape our
work and ensure that the DDAI is focussing on
overcoming these barriers on your behalf. This
will include improving services for members,
advocating on members behalf to overcome
these barriers, and improving public awareness
of the challenges faced by our members.
The Board retained the services of Shane
Twomey, Phoenix HR & OD Consulting, to guide
us through this process. This has enabled us to
ensure we focus on the correct areas including
setting out the framework for the Strategic
Planning Process, ensuring our Purpose is fit
for the future and engaging with both members
and the wider stakeholders. The steps of the
Strategic Planning Process included: