StrategicPlan-24-26 FINAL - Flipbook - Page 18
I am delighted to be
in a position to sign
these regulations
which will provide
much needed
Minister McGrath
Our Impact
Introduction of 4th Category to the DD & PS
One of the highlights of 2023 was the
introduction of a 4th category of reliefs
in the Disabled Drivers and Disabled
Passengers Scheme, for people with
disabilities who require complex and
significant adaptions to their vehicles to
enable in-vehicle wheelchair access.
The DDAI worked very closely with the
Department of Finance to reach agreement
on what the new category would entail and
following extensive consultations reliefs
providing up to €48,000 for disabled drivers and
€32,000 for disabled passengers were agreed.
This will be applicable to those who have borne
or paid VAT, VRT or residual VRT on or after 1st
August 2022.
Minister McGrath, TD & Minister for Finance
commented, “I am delighted to be in a position
to sign these regulations which will provide
much needed assistance for people who have
very significant and costly adaptation needs for
wheelchair accessible vehicles”.
The DDAI continues to work proactively with all
Government Departments to improve services
for our members.
The DDAI is a voice for those who are voiceless,
alone and isolated and are neglected by Government.
Quote from a Disabled Drivers Association Member